Friday, August 19, 2011

Learning & Supporting Each Other: An Introduction

We are a group of moms that over the course of the summer started wondering whether there was a gentle approach to educating our children without undermining their educational abilities.  A way to let a love of learning grow in our children.  A way in which they would  build such a relationship with their studies that their education was actually enjoyable and meaningful.  A way in which all tedious and unnecessary tasks could be eliminated from daily activities to allow them to just be kids.  A way that an appreciation for God's creation could flourish.  A way to provide them with a generous Liberal Arts education without overwhelming them ...

We are excited to learn and support each other through our home schooling journey using the wise wisdom from an English 19th century educator; Miss Charlotte Mason.  Through her philosophy all these things can be possible.  We are not looking to reinvent the wheel.  We will look to those who have done this successfully and try to learn from them as well.  There is a movement out there and we are happy to be a part of it.

Our meetings will take place in the Conejo and Simi Valleys in California.  We will strive to meet once a month during the traditional school year (September - June) on Tuesday evenings.  We are a new group and welcome home school educators looking to learn or educate their families with Charlotte Mason methods.  I will be so bold as to say that if you believe like Ms. Mason did and are looking to make "[E]ducation (is) an atmosphere, a discipline, a life,"  in your home this is a group for you.

We will begin with an introduction about Charlotte Mason and her methods.  We will pick a book to discuss and a topic based on her methods to explore.  Some of the topics we hope to cover are listed in our page tabs.  Our first meeting date will be posted in the Schedule page soon. Be patient with us, as we are all learning together how to educate our children using the wisdom of Ms. Mason and her gentle approach.  This blog will serve as a journal for our group and the relationships we hope to build.

1 comment:

laurajo said...

So excited about this Jenny! What a beautiful job on setting up the blog.
I'm so looking forward to this. I've yearned for a local Charlotte Mason support group for years. Thank you for being willing to get one going.
You are a wonderful resource. Talk to you soon. : )